Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Band You Should Have Heard Of

The Ettes, formed in 2004 in LA, but based in Nashville, are one of those bands that you kind of know the riffs but you've no idea who they are. Their music has been used in numerous television shows and films, but they are yet to gain the fame they truly do deserve. They are a trio with great musical and fashion sensibility, making them perfect for inclusion here. 'Red in Tooth and Claw' is a great song to clean your room to, sing in the shower, or just plain rock out with while you jump around your house, just click on the title to get straight to it! Enjoy:)


  1. Yay! A new post! Was literally about to text you demanding one soon. :-)


  2. Also, check this out you will love love.

    The dress on the far right in the photo with the group of 3 catwalk poses, the long white one with that oh so famous sign of the states. Lovin' it. WANT.


  3. It's GORGE!It would suit you so much:) But I'm guessing it's ridiculously expensive:(
